
What is 'Natural' Vibrato? | Vibrato as ornament vs. Continuous Vibrato | Historical Evidence | A Matter of Taste? | Bibliography | Suggested Recording Artists | Links
Use of Vibrato in Baroque Vocal Music


Bowman, James. "A Career at the Top". BBC Music Magazine, Special Issue: Exploring Early Music, (Fall 1996), 58-60.

Butt, John. "Improvised vocal ornamentation and German Baroque compositional theory: An approach to "historical performance practice." Journal of the Royal Musical Association vol. 116, no. 1 (1991), 41-62.

Duffin, Ross W. "Performance Practice: Que me veux-tu? What do you want from me?" Early Music America vol. 1, no. 1 (Fall 1995), 26-36.

Gable, Frederick. "Some Observations Concerning Baroque and Modern Vibrato." Performance Practice Review, vol.5, no.1 (Spring 1992), 90-102.

Henehan, Donal. "More on authenticity: When vibrato is on shaky ground." American choral review, USA vol. XXIX/2 (Spring 1987), 10-12.

Kelly, Terence. The Authenticity of continuous vocal vibrato: An empirical and historical investigation." NATS Journal, vol. 51, no.3 (Jan-Feb 1995), 3-6.

Kivy, Peter. Authenticities. New York: Cornell U, 1995.

Neumann, Frederick. Essays on Performance Practice. Ann Arbor: UMI Research Press, 1989.

Neumann, Frederick. Performance Practices of the Seventeenth and Eighteenth Centuries. New York: Schirmer Books, 1993.

Ransome, Antony. "Towards an authentic vocal style and technique in late Baroque performance." Early Music, vol. VI/3 (July 1978), 417-419.

Sherman, Bernard D. Inside Early Music: Conversations with Performers. New York: Oxford U, 1997.